Every dollar counts!
Your donation will help a family build a safe and affordable home. You can make a difference today by as we bring people together to build homes, communities, and hope. The only gift too small is the one not made!

Sponsorship is an excellent way for a business, church, individual, or any other organization to give back. It is a practical approach toward being mutually supportive and improving our communities. Contact us today if you’re interested in becoming one of our valued partners. Call 413-664-4440 or email us at office@northberkshirehabitat.org.
In-kind Donations
Material donations needed for our efforts:
- Drywall
- Lumber
- Siding
- Drywall
- Lumber
Service donations include excavation work, concrete, kitchen cabinets, flooring, site grading, and landscaping. Several local professionals also donate services to Northern Berkshire Habitat, including legal services, architectural design, and site supervision services by licensed contractors.
If interested, please contact our office at 413-664-4440 or email office@northberkshirehabitat.
Note: Northern Berkshire Habitat for Humanity is a Section 501(c) (3) entity under the Internal Revenue Code, and donations of funds and in-kind donations are tax deductible.
Monetary donations can be made using our secure online form below or by mailing a check to Northern Berkshire Habitat for Humanity, PO Box 391, North Adams, MA 01247.
Thank you!