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November 2023 North Berkshire Habitat Newsletter

Read about...

  • Dedication for Maple Street Project
  • Our Habitat Construction Volunteers
  • Our Continuing Mission Over 30 Years
  • Brush with Kindness/Veterans Projects
  • Summer Street
The 2023 Holiday Showcase was held this year on Saturday, December 2 at the First Congregational Church in Williamstown.

Our Holiday Showcase goal was to raise funds as well as to educate the community about Habitat for Humanity and to give back to the community during the holiday season by offering a wonderful display of trees for all to enjoy.

The Showcase is part of the annual Williamstown Holiday Walk. Members of the community, schools, churches, local businesses and community organizations are invited to purchase miniature artificial trees, decorate them and donate them for the showcase and raffle.

We would like to thank the many, many individuals, businesses, schools, non-profit organizations and youth organizations who purchase and decorate trees for us every year. We thank our sellers of trees: Goodman's Jewelers, Wild Oats Market and Mt. Williams Greenhouses in Williamstown and the Berkshire Emporium in North Adams. We also thank Aladco Linens for their yearly donation of tablecloths for the showcase and the First Congregational Church for hosting the event. We greatly appreciate your support and generosity of time and money.

Thanks to all 2023 Christmas Tree Donors and the community members who came to view the trees and purchase raffle tickets.